my friend got caught smoking weed?



My best friend's mom found his stash. It was some pretty big bs and privacy violation, she went searching thru his room like a maniac and found it. I'm not totally sure what the stimulus for the search was, he's been caught before, but just because he wasn't careful, and that happened at least a year ago. His parents a pretty crazy and are throwing a total hissy fit over it, saying he's grounded pretty much indefinitely and that they're gonna take him out of school if he does it again.
Anyway, the question is what should he do? He pretty much just told them he smoked weed because he's so tired of them being the most neurotic unreasonable people over stuff like this. It's not a big deal but they seem to think it is. He was thinking of running away for a couple of days, just to freak out his mom so she might forget about this crap a little. I didn't think that was such a good idea to exacerbate everything. I also couldn't sympathize totally cuz my parents a pretty nice and laid back
about this sort of thing. But his parents aren't. I think if he's reasonable enough and just says it isn't a big deal... that won't work. But I just don't get what he should do. I'm trying to advise him, but his parents just seem so crazy. I'm thinking the only option is don't get caught again, but the immediate problem of him being ground for a while is awful, regardless of all the long term crap. Is there anything he can do to placate them, get them off his back? Any advice is appreciated, and sorry this question is so long.
I don't really know what the best advice is but I feel for you, weed is really JUST WEED, not a big deal, it's a hell of a lot better than drinking alcohol...WAY better! It's so ridiculous. But things aren't going to change anytime soon and if someone has never smoked weed they think it's some big deal, which we know it isn't. BUT if you're still in high school you should probably watch it, I didn't start until college. that seems a little young. But DON'T DRINK!!! and certainly don't drink and drive (but being stoned and driving is ok, read the research), and don't get anyone pregnant! LOTS of suffering is caused by unwanted pregnancy.

when you live on your own and depend on on one else, you can make decisions about breaking the law and smoking pot or whatever you want to do. But as long as they are supporting him and are legally responsible for him, he has to abide by their rules, period.

What makes a person think they can do whatever they want on someone else's bill? What if he gets caught, who will have to pay the legal bills?

I smoked a lot of weed and got strait A's in a serious university. Stoners are losers who hide behind a drug because they are afraid of life. Yup. And they end up with hanging out with people who do not enrich their lives or help them to grow in any way. The people they hang out with are people who enable their addictions and make them feel OK about it. (weed is emotionally addictive, even if not physically-- but I and a lot of my friends would have stomach problems if we tried to quit.)

My advice? give up the weed, grow up, get your head straight, find a career and enjoy life. You're missing out.
His parents sound like parents who really care for their kids. The laid back parents are the ones who end up with their kids living in their basements at 30, wondering why the kids are so laid back!
He needs to realize that he's at a cross roads in his life and the direction he chooses will determine his happiness for the rest of his life. He needs to admit to his parents that he wants to quit and be wiiling to take some sort of substance abuse prevention class to win their trust aagin.
Real life has consequences. Liad back parents give the false impression to their kids that there is no such thing as serious trouble... But there is such a thing in the real world and if your friend is smart, he will thank his parents for teaching him instead of the legal system and the cops having to teach him by putting him in a cell with Bubba for some real education.
I smoked weed for 7 sucks. It's a lie that's constantly told to teens that "it's cool, it'll make you forget" it will make you forget..things permanently. Tell him not to do it, it's not worth it. Parent's are parents they do what they do sometimes cause they care...just trust them on this one.