Can You Explain Obama's "New Politics" and How Citizens like "You" will be involved?


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Apr 20, 2008
Can You Explain Obama's "New Politics" and How Citizens like "You" will be involved?

I'm voting for Hillary. Hillary has down-to-earth and pragmatic solutions to restore the USA to Peace and prosperity, and to address the mortgage crisis, health care, education and poverty, and foreign relations.

Obama has the "hope" thing going, but what is it really in terms of how will his "New Politics" differentiate from Hillary... or Bush? Hillary will end the war, I trust her more than Obama.

We know he takes money from Special Interests. So that's not different. Hillary has a plan to end the war, and practically invented Universal Health care in the USA, and I trust her to manage the economy better to pay for it. Obama has threatened nuclear war with Pakistan... So what's this "New Politics" he's offereing really about.

Can you give 3 specific things Obama will do that are New and Better. He hasn't seemed to have unified US or inspired anyone outside his followers. So please be more specific than: Hope, Unify, Change...
voodoo! run don't walk and vote Hillary it will cure all the magic hoo doo
voodoo! run don't walk and vote Hillary it will cure all the magic hoo doo
Well, I can see, you probably won't get his supporters to answer you. They can't. All they can do is refer you to his websites, as if they aren't based. (snicker, snicker)
He will not ever become president.
Hillary will be the new President.
No, I cannot explain Obama's "New Politics' but neither can he.

I won't be getting involved in his new world order because this phoney won't be president, McCain will.
His "new politics" and "change" will leave the voters broke. He has divided the country all ready, resparked the fires of racism to cover up his indoctrination into the Black Theology that he spent 20 years learning from Wright. He even lies about his faith. How can you be a christian and believe in evolution?
It is all just rhetoric that he "hopes" won't "change" your mind when it comes out he is an empty suit
It want effect me as I don't waste my time or mind on his malarkey. he will never be a president. he's toast.
A quote from Baracka: "We are the change we have been hoping for." Another quote from Baracka about his basketball coach: "That's just how white folks will do you." These sounds like racist rants to me.

I've listened to him a lot and read a lot more of his speeches and answers to questions put to him. This is my take on what he has to say:

Hope. Change. Hope. Change. Hope for change. Pray for change. Hope, change, change, hope.

That is his full platform. He has stolen some ideas from both Clinton and Edwards but I didn't include those here. I only included the ones he stole from Bush Jr.'s 2000 campaign, hope and change.