Today in the US a rumor is going around that in England references to the


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Jewish holocaust will now be deleted from school history books....because the references "offend Muslims". Why would speaking of the Holocaust offend Muslims in particular? This sounds highly unlikely to me, and I'm wondering if others in the UK have heard about it? In my opinion, its religion/race-baiting and unfortunately its working with some people quite well
You are allowed to teach the shoah in British schools, but it seems many teachers avoid doing so because it might upset their Muslim students.

It is difficult to see how one can force a teacher to teach a historical truth she doesn't approve of. And I am sure that this must happen in some places in America too.
As the sane respondents have explained
the rumour is false
The holocaust is taught
pretty sure the armenian holocaust is not,
at the very least the teaching of that holocaust is not compulsory which is a pity as it helped lead to the holocaust during ww2 and people should know that.
This rumor sounds like crap to me.

Considering the UK's struggles during WWII, I would bet my entire life's savings against them ever deleting references to the holocaust.

They would have to explain away why they accepted Jewish refugees....
It's just the ridiculous twitterings of our right-wing press like The Telegraph and The Daily Mail. No, it's not true. The trouble with it in ref to the Muslims is that you can't talk about the holocaust without talking about the creation of Israel....and then you open a can of worms. Some schools in the north and in London where the muslim population of some schools can reach up to 80%, then it is still taught, but with sensitivity.
for a long time they've been refusing to take the blame for the hoocaust,now you'd have to be quite syupid to say it didn't happen,and if the muslims don't like,well',,no body wants us to fly the stars and bars,but we do
England has a large, growing, and increasingly activist and antagonist population of Muslims. I don't know if the rumor you heard is true, but similar kinds of attempted intrusions and alterations of cultural standards have been pushed by Muslims in the Netherlands. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

The reason Muslims would like the holocaust to be erased from our collective memory is because of their almost universal hatred of Jews. They do not want anyone feeling sympathy for them. They also want to present themselves as the persecuted religion, so they have to erase the historical competition for that distinction. Did you see the president of Iran leading a crowd in the chant, "Death to Israel"? As a religion, Islam is by far the most bigoted and antagonistic. Most of their religious leaders call for taking over the world and converting everyone to Islam. They threaten death to all who resist. Their Quran also makes this demand on them.

Have you seen the posters often carried by Muslim protestors: "The REAL holocaust is yet to come!"?

Have you seen other Muslim protest posters which say, "God bless Hitler"?
Erasing history is the first order of business for all extremist, imperialistic conquerors.

Lenny, you and all the other knee-jerk apologists don't know ANY of the things I just mentioned, do you? Well, I guarantee you, these thumbs down are coming from those who don't WANT to know. They're the same school as those who stood aside and let the Nazis take control of Germany. They denied and avoided truth and criticized right-wingers and showed off their lofty tolerance, too. BTW, I'm a liberal.

Neville Chamberlain would be inspired to see these attitudes still being expressed today.

Plushy, I have found Snopes to be a very reliable source. Thanks for the info. So, it's a rumor. Okay. Glad to know it. But just wait and watch what happens in Europe. Keep an eye on the Netherlands and Sweden.

Google "Muslims in Europe" and see if these fears are the result of right-wing propaganda and bigotry.
No, the british saw the aftermath of the holocaust in close-up. They're not going to forget.

As Abe Lincoln said; "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time".

Stop trusting your media.
Things always stink when the bloodline is involved. They want complete and total control of the cattle, which is what they call us. Cattle and rabble. If the ruling elite were taken out of power and true caring humans took their places, we would have our world back. And, most importantly, true freedom. They have kept it from us since the days of Sumer.
It's a hoax and has been making the rounds for awhile. Check out:

Edit: Thanks for the heads-up, Corno di Bassetto
This is just what it is a rumour, I live in England and there is no such thing as the Holocause being written out.

In this country we are all very much aware of what went on and there are many programmes about it. If it offends people, well it should. The holocaust was something only evil people did, and unfortunately it still goes on, lessons were never learnt. Look at Darfur, Kosovo, the Balkans, Ruwanda and now Zimbabwe (if I've left anyone out, I am sorry), what some people - and that is a misnomer - people(?) - can do to others just because of their skin, religion, race, caste is beyond any reason.

So no, there is no truth in this, England would never erase the Holocaust from the school history books.
Hello, Arab here

Holocaust has nothing to do with Islam. Being a Muslim, it doesn't offend me.

But, being a Palestinian refugee, living outside my country because Hitler murdered Jews, and because the UK and the US decided to give my country to Jews as a new home, I AM REALLY OFFENDED.