Flashdance: Gallery: Wii Flash Training Sculpture



galleryPost('wiiflash', 4, 'Training Sculpture');
I have no idea what in the heck is going on in these pictures except that it's done with a Nintendo wiimote, a Flash program, and it looks like it involves dancing. The kind of dancing that involves a leotard.
Joa Ebert and Thibault Imbert are the creators of WiiFlash, a "a project dedicated to the Wiimote and Flash applications" including this one called, Training Sculpture. Although their how-to is a pretty good tutorial on how to do some of their projects in the comfort of your home, some kind of description on what these projects actually are would be helpful to say the least. For most people, dancing around in their living room in a leotard is probably already the norm, but how do they would they know for certain if they were actually creating art. Doesn't mean I won't try this experiment. I'm just saying tall socks are as far as I am willing to go. Kim Phu
Training Sculpture [WiiFlash.org]
