Wine, what is your favorite wine red or white and why?


Hot Betty J

I also want to know of a rememberable experience while drinking wine. A first date, wedding, just relaxing, whatever just a rememerable moment.
Cab Sauv by Charles Shaw, available at Trader Joe's only.
very nice, and cheap!
many many memories enjoying a glass of wine relaxing with friends.
went out to eat at a fine restaurant and we drank Robert Mondavi Merlot. I felt like i was high on a great drug. Have not re-captured that moment since. I was in the French Quarter ate in a little place called Mona Lisa's pizza. shared a bottle of wine with my daughter and felt like i was in heaven. Hope that helps..Oh yes these were red wines. Cabernet suv is my favorite. I too get headaches .. But can't seem to stop loving the wine.