Star Wars question?


Mar 23, 2008
How come in episode 1 when anakin is a kid and he is in front of the jedi council and the other guy wants the council to let him train anakin but the council says he is to old but in episode 4 luke starts traing wen he is in his late teens early 20s and is way older than anakin
yes i kno there is no council in episode 4. I kno that obi wan told him he was a jedi
Luke is anakin's son, so he already had the force by blood. It was mentiond that the force ran strong through their family. And in the 4th one, there was only one jedi left, so someone had to learn.
They changed there policy after Anakin went to the dark side.

Just kidding! Obi did teach Anakin. At the ed of episode 1 you will recall that Anakin cut his hair like Obi and Obi told hm hat he was told to train him.
In episode 4 Yoda does say "He is too old! Yes, too old to begin the training.) Obi-wan just convinced Yoda because he knew Luke was their last hope.
yoda told obi wan that anakin was too old in episode 1. then in empire strikes back, yoda told obi wan that luke was too old but gave in, rememeber. its in there
Yes luke was much older but Obi wan believed he was the one to bring balance to the force. Plus the time were different. In Episode l there were alot more Jedi. In Episode 4 its jus them 2. 3 if you count Lea.
When Luke starts training, the Jedi are all but extinct. Remember that the last three movies came out before the first three.

So what happens is this: The Jedi are established as Guardians. They have a specific way of training to make sure that the Dark Side doesn't get many kids. But then along comes Anakin and the Emperor and they get control using the Dark side of the Force. They hunt down all the Jedi they can so that they won't be challenged.

Luke is discovered as a Jedi by Obi-Wan Kenobi AFTER this. So most Jedi had been prosecuted and were in hiding.
Plus, Luke is enormously talented, and the son of Anakin. They're desperate to have a chance to get rid of Anakin and the Emperor.

PM me or email me if you're still confused.
Because the force is strong in Luke and he's the last hope for the Jedi.
beacause anakin was at the age when he has to be trained and luke never new what the jedi was and his guardians didnt want him to be one because they didnt want him to fight darth vader when he is his father
well, theres no council in ep 4. and, obi wan convinces yoda to do it. yoda is protesting saying "hes much too old"
They have to train Luke because he is there only hope and the last of their kind
thats not the same there wasn't a council when luke became a jedi.
I think its because yoda has no choice. Its either Luke at around 20 or the way of the jedi will cease to exist. Luke was his last resort