Would you accept a life-saving transplant from an animal?



Especially for strict vegans - say hypothetically one of your vital organs gave way, and you needed a transplant or you would die, and it was possible to get a transplant from a pig (which they are developing right now), but the pig would die ... would you accept it?
I would because we, humans are on the top of the food chain.
Look, it`s either a human dying or an animal dying and every human contributes alot to the world or society. Remember, it is just a pig, not ten of them. They will have to die anyways and since humans are more important, so why not?
The pig would die for a human, you see! The hero in itself will remain, right? So, give the pigs some pride! :]
Well I'd prefere for a doctor to do it but if there are none availible and a well educted wombat is capable then yeah! I accept a life saving operation from an Animal.
Yea, I don't want to eat them but I would value my life over ONE pig.
Yes! Because no matter how much you think an animals life is worth... Yours is worth MUCH more!