Gluten free diet help me?


Apr 4, 2008
I had alot of problems as a kid. (I am 13 now) When I was 8, a physcologist diagnosed me with ADD, a mood disorder and depression. I also had bad stomach cramps. They suggested taking Retilin and prozac, and other crap drugs. My parents refused, and my mom suspected I had a gluten sensitivity, so she started weaning me off gluten. My mood disorder "dissappeared", I didn't feel depressed anymore, although I still fidget, and have alot of trouble concentrating, I am not as overly hyper as I was. The change was dramatic, but it took a couple years for these problems to go away. So i guess what my question is..... Was it the gluten free diet that did this, or is it possible to grow out of mental illnisses? The reason I am asking this is because I have ADD, and I am wondering if its worth going on the diet again to see what happens. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Diet is alot of it. The government alows companies to put excitotoxins into our food. Corn syrup is one. Gluten could also be something like that. Think of MSG it gets listed by like 10 different names to disguise it.

Eat a lot of Healty vege's and fruits stay away from processed food and dairy.