Does 'popping' the fingers does any harm to it?



Im a piano player and sometimes i feel more comfortable when i pop 'em to remove stiffness.
i just want to know its effects if there are any
popping i mean is that stretching them to make a sound 'pop'
This is such an interesting question, I really learned a lot researching this answer!

I have always been told that 'popping' the finger joints can lead to arthritis, as the 'pop' is actually the cartilages cracking against each other, which can cause damage. Seems like this is what people are commonly told.

But after reading the articles in the links below, I'm not sure how true ~ some scientists and doctors who say it is harmful and others say it isn't.

Apparently in the short term, it DOES make the cracked joint feel looser and actually increases mobility of the joint! Long term damage is what is open to debate.

I can totally sympathise with your desire to 'pop' your fingers though. I'm not a pianist (I wish I was!), but I do a lot of typing and some days 'cracking my knuckles' (the Australian way of saying it) really helps my fingers feel loose again!

Maybe it's got a bad reputation because it actually feels good, haha.

Cheers :)
ur releasing air from your knuckles. eventually causes arthritis. drink more milk n stop crackin or you wont play piano for long......
all it dose is release the air in the joints it dose not matter to much if you do it because it will do it when there is to much in there anyway the stiffness is the beginning of it popping by them self i asked a doc. because i was wondering about it myself because i do it to