Bill Maher and his horrific anti-Catholic rant?



When will the Christians and specifically Catholics show their outrage at the anti christian rants of idiots like Bill Maher?
You know Bill he's the one that called our brave military men button pushing cowards.
If he's so brave why doesn't he come out with his rage on the terrorist in the muslim religion. There are far more of them than there are abusers in the Catholic faith.
Agree or disagree?
Maybe Christians of all faiths should start a Christian Anti-Defamation League get Lawyers and Boycott the television Stations that carry his rants. The Jews have their anti Defamation League and so do Muslims that monitor slander! Why should Christians not have an outlet? Everyboidy has Free Speech but Us.

Currently the only places Christians Can Go to Complain are found Below....
well, anger only makes things worse. I would just put a smiley face on, and kill him with kindness, and just sigh after patting him on the head. I wouldn't get angry over petty things from petty people. I just let them be petty and go on living my life.
Bill had to get his own TV show, to able to avoid have his weak rhetoric kick back into his face. He is a coward.
I totally agree. I'm not Catholic, but I am a Christian and I can't stand to listen to Bill Maher. He seems to think that all Christians are total idiots & his opinion is the only right answer to anything.
Bill Maher is like a car accident. Horrible but you can't help watching. I think a huge majority of what he says is scripted to cause controversy. I can't stand to watch him because I think he's just reading from the offense du jour in order to get attention and ratings.

I wouldn't take anything he said personally. Most of what he says is written by writers anyway.
Bill Maher is many things.
The ONLY thing I don't like about him is his anti-God views.

Other than that, he can do no wrong. He's got you talking, doesn't he?
I for one like Bill Maher, he is not afraid to voice his opinion. And my friend, thats all it opinion. and he is entitled to his...;)
My opinion is, there are hypocrites in every denomination around the world. Thats why I choose to be non denominational and keep religion in my house w/ my family.
Do you even know who Bill Maher is? He rips on just about every religion their is, which is probably a good idea, seeing that religion has caused more deaths during human civilization than any disease or anything else.

Why is he an idiot, becasue he isnt scared to think for himself. The man is a genius.

P.S. I'm religious myself, but I dont throw a hissy fit when someone proves me wrong and points out my flaws.
He will be in a bigoted mood as long as he has fellow supports and the Pope is teaching against his un-Christian actions.
he does speak against muslim terrorists and acknowledge that they want to kill us. quite often in fact.

what that he has said about catholics and the pope that is not true?
Bill Maher is a turd. I did happen to be flipping thru the channels and caught part of that diatribe.

Fortunately we live in a country that espouses freedom of the press and freedom of expression and so forth.

SO I can say that he is true blue turd. He won't say anything bad about Islamic extremists simply because he is a big coward and would be afraid for his life. That's what at least sets him apart from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. They at least have the gonads to speak up. He has none.
Yeah, I saw the clip on Fox...............he really is a disgusting human being......

Who really listens to his ignorance?They should just put a diaper on Maher's face cause we all know what comes out of his mouth.
Agree! Thank you for posting. The man is an idiot.
I could go on for pages and pages, but your question and opinion of BM is simply enough for this site.
So, everyone has the right to free speech, unless they disagree with you?
Like O'Reilly said last night, 'Catholics need a spokesperson or watch group to go after these types like Maher'.
I mean, every other religion has their 'watchdogs' out there and it's not like Catholics can't afford it.
1.3 billion people all pushing in the same direction has a lot of power.
perhaps he just likes the attention. and perhaps the Catholics have other better things to do than dignify that man with any attention.