I need to gain weight/build muscle in about 4 months...?


Jan 30, 2008
Alright, over my summer vacation I plan on getting much much bigger and stronger. I drink 1 scoop of whey protein a day and eat a decent amount of meet. My calorie intake is about 4,000 a day and I go on a run every day. I am trying to gain about 30-40 pounds, right now I'm 5'8.5 and 115 pounds, I want to gain muscle weight only though. So any ideas out there are helpful. I also need to do things that dont always require weights, I only have about 30 pounds in weights =/... I am joining world gym over the summer though so there's alot of equipment there. I have pretty strong legs, all I need is above the waste training. So anyone that has an idea about this please tell me =D, I'm sick of being the weak little skinny kid...Thanks for the help yall, oh and by the way, I can work-out for about 2-3 hours a day at world gym so if that helps let me know...
first thing is first, bump that one scoop of whey to two and drink lots of water.next, working out 2-3 hours a day is a bad idea. the ideal amount of time to workout is 45 minutes because after that, you start burning muscle in order to continue. that's gonna make you weaker!!!! so minimize your workouts as necessary.you'll need to get 115 grams of protein a day; one gram per pound you weigh, you'll need to get good rest (at least 7 hours a night). don't work the same muscle groups back to back. one day work on biceps and calves and the next work on triceps and thighs...or something along those lines. and your arms will get bigger as long as you work your legs too...so work them both hard...push yourself. and check out bodybuilding.com for supplements and workouts that might come in handy.remember. eat big, lift big, sleep big, get big.
First of all, I hope you are doing this for strength and health, and not to show-off or impress. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO DO BENCH PRESS. I recommend this, don't even bother with that whey stuff or eating a lot of meat. Just eat healthy and stuff with high protein and carbs and low on fat and sodium. Here is a workout for you: RUN, RUN, and RUN! Skip Bench Press, just do squats, clean and jerk, clean and press, bar curls, pullups, chinups, and your set.
higo to http://SuperRapidFatloss.blogspot.com and check a muscle building program called No Nonsense Muscle building.it is listed on the links section. you can get pretty solid results with that