help with labor?


New member
Apr 15, 2008
i am 41 week and 1 day i was induced 2 days ago with the drip it didnt work my doctor went on vacation and must have forgot about me beacuse i am supposto wait for him to come back on tues and he will try to induse again when he gets back i will be 12 days over due is that safe? i was wondering if i used a suppository if it would help any or if there is anything else i could do i have tried walking sex is out of the question please help
if sex is not an option then try stimulating your nipples and keep walking. Even if the walking doesn't help bring on labor its good for you. self induced orgasms might help too since they can start contractions.
12 days over is okay, you won't be allowed to go longer than 14 days. Unfortunately you will have to play the waiting game, i don't think you will have to wait much longer.Good luck.
It's okay..if the drip didn't work then giving mother nature a little time is a good idea. Long as the baby's heart rate is good and the fluid is good then there isn't a problem.
well sex isn't the answer but a orgasm is.....An orgasm is what makes your uterus contract not the actual sex. Just try masturbating or having your significant other help! This may throw you into full blown labor since you are that overdue.
the longer you wait the older the placenta gets. mabey see if another DR can help you.good luck
I was induced at 39 weeks and had my daughter at 40 weeks 1 day. They rotated putusin( causes contractions) in the day and cervadill (softens cervix)at night. It was a nightmare! After all that I was only dilated to 2 1/2 . They said my body would no dilate any further plus I had maconian (baby pooped) so the did an emergency c- section! I tried all the walking, sex, nipple stimulation and spicy foods and nothing worked for me! baby will come when ready trust me! good luck and happy delivery!
I too was induced they broke my waters my son was 10 days overdue I tried everything from walking, sex, bumpy car rides, bouncing on a exercise ball, squatting and even raspberry leaf tea. None of it worked the baby just simply wasnt ready. Dont rush nature they kept saying (yeah just get it out already was my train of thought) If I was you Id just leave it up to the Dr's keep up with the walking dont overheat yourself though the last thing you need is to be getting light headed and faint!!Hopefully by the time you get this you will have gone into labour. All the best