Worst Self Inflicted or Unself inflicted injury that has happened to you?!?

Motorcycle wreck. Four vertebre fractured; 1 thorasic, 3 lumbar, the bone my vertebral column rests on was displaced and fractured and inoperable (it's called the sacrum) , right shoulder displaced (achromial/clavicular separation) ligaments torn in both wrists, right femur split in two lengthwise, navicular bone in my right foot shattered into 22 pieces, miscellaneous abrasions & contusions. They said I'd never walk again, but two weeks after the accident, some feeling and about 30% of the movement came back. I can walk, but I can't do anything that requires coordination like skiing, roller skating, etc. And pain has become my constant companion.

But the worst pain I've ever experienced was poison ivy over a sunburn.
I was about five years old....

I was watching TV while standing on a rocking chair, backwards (the back of the chair was in front of me).
I fell off and hit the back of my head on the corner of our coffee table. It hurt really, really bad! No stitches needed, but it did bleed quite a bit.

Lesson learned: When Mom tells not to do something, don't do it!