15 - hate parents, have depression, want to runaway what should I do?



I have depression and i'm medicated and doing talk therapy. but I also have PTSD and I get very anxious. My mom yells at me a lot and pressures me. Nothing I do is ever good enough. she's suppose to be my support, but even during the worst times of my depression she [in my view] verbally/emotionally abuses me

I need to live somewhere else. My mom makes me want to kill myself more than any other stressor in my life. including school.

what should I do??
Just remember that your mother will be one of the very few people that will love you no matter what for the rest of your life.

She may be out of line, I'm not saying she's not but you know having respect for your mother could help your situation a shit load.

So anyways, how old are you again?
You need to be a bit more mature and look at the alternatives to "suicide". Like, take a deep breath maybe? Sit her down and talk without screaming.

I used to feel this way about my mom, and about myself. Come to find, the problem was me the whole time. I had a bad attitude, no motivation and i thought i was never wrong, always had to blame someone else.

Don't feel sorry for yourself, usually in a situation like this, you're not the only one feeling victimized.
Try to get your license as early as possible. Try to get out more often if you don't.. what gets me through when i'm depressed is driving, BMX, and listening to music.
You have to tell someone that you can't live with your mom. Talk to a family member, Someone at school. And im sure they can try to find somewhere you can be away from ur mom if its really that bad... :( . .
see if you can spend some time with other family realitives or close friends. talk to your talk therapists about other options you might have also. try to explain to your mom about how you feel she is treating you. your best bet is to get away from the house for a while.
The Boys Town National Hotline, 1-800-448-3000 (Not just for boys, that's just the name) Call With any Problem, Anytime - Open 24 hours a day, everyday

http://www.teenlineonline.org/ "If you have a problem or just want to talk with another teen who understands, then this is the right place for you … Our teens have helped other teens for 28 years! No problem is too big or too small… We’re here to help! Call us, post a question online, or chat with us "

National Adolescent Suicide Hotline

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National Youth Crisis Hotline

Call. Call and call and call some more. Chat & email and IM. Keep airing those feelings & getting them out of the open, instead of banging around inside of your head until they build into something awful.
Been there....done that.

See if you're parents would consider letting you live at a friends house for a while - like a teen swap or extended sleep over.
Or if going to school isn't much of an issue - see if you can live with your grandparents or an aunt.....it will give you a break and a new perspective on life.
Running away...isn't an answer it's an escape. Now's your chance to prove that you're growing up (and need space to grow up). The more mature you respond - the more they'll let you grow and gain independence.
You're not alone. You are the one who picks what life you're going to live....it just doesn't feel that way now.
go to church and pray, first always respect your parents no matter what. You'll get over it, its just puberty, im going thru it rite now.
Tell that to your therapist and maybe upgrade to a phsychiatrist.
You shouldn't go emo or anything like that. Those may seeem like the answer but they're not. I've had soo many depressing times and at times i want to go emo, and to get rid of those emotions, i write in my diary and let all my emotions come out. You might also want to try listening to atreyu and other types of bands: it'll definitly help. My mom is supposed to support me too, but sometimes she causes the problem instead of getting rid of it. If letting your emotions out isn't enough, then talk to a friend about it.
You may want to talk to a therapist or a councilor. There maybe a possibility that they would report it to CPS, but if you do, make sure they understand that you just want to not feel this way and that it is definately valid. Try to maintain a calm disposition as best as you can and only do this if and only if you really need to be removed from that enviroment.
I've been in the same situation. sadly it was at the same age. Everyone who's 15 goes through this. Dont run away. because the police will just bring you back , and if you arent being abused then you're back home and then you're parents dont trust you anymore and you cant do ANYTHING . just when you thought they were controlling enough. Dont kill yourself either. or even attempt it. its not worth it even though i tried it. Things Will get better i promise. and when you turn 16 get a job so you can get out of the house more often and earn some money so you dont have to talk to your parents anymore than necessary. Go to your friends house on weekends. Try to have fun and keep distracted from all the bad

*edit* to the people above, Counselling does nothing! honestly i got tons more help talking to my close friend then Ever trying to talk to a stranger, that just stressed me out more. heh
Counseling...tell someone close to you like a friend, a school counseler, or a relative about your situation.

What I would do is tell her how I'm feeling, tell her everything, and if she talks over you yell it to her to get through to her about how your feeling.
You're doing, therapy, right?
Which I'm assuming it means you have a therapist - tell the therapist. They'll help you through it and possibly talk to your mother about it.
Don't kill yourself, it isn't worth it. I mean, running away is better than killing yourself. It you know someone like a friend, ask them if you can stay at their place for awhile.
But make sure you don't kill yourself!!!
Don't kill yourself, it isn't worth it. I mean, running away is better than killing yourself. It you know someone like a friend, ask them if you can stay at their place for awhile.
But make sure you don't kill yourself!!!
grow up? everyone goes through this, maybe its just you try getting a higher dose of medication
my friend has like the best life and friendliest parents ever and she hates their guts and makes their life hell, she acts as if shes emo and slices her arms into designs and is stupid. i have a great relationship with my parents.. try being nicer
If you havent already talked to her, do that.
If you also still have contact with your father you could
maybe stay with him for awhile.
IT IS normal to feel this way, you are not alone. You have
also probably heard that before....

Good Luck.
im 15- don't run away mann you would regret, it in a good way ignore her. don't kill self!!!!!!
im 15- don't run away mann you would regret, it in a good way ignore her. don't kill self!!!!!!