What are some harmless roommate pranks?



So my roommate is kinda stuck up. He gets bent out of shape easily, is overly protective, and needs to loosen up. So I want to play some pranks on him. Y'know, harmless pranks. So maybe he realizes he needs to just relax a bit more.

So, anyone got some good pranks? One thing that comes to mind is like on the Office, when Jim takes Dwight's stuff (like a stapler) and puts it in Jello. That sounds awesome. Stuff like that.
Well it depends on what you want to do some good ones are:

Tape down the phone button on the mark's phone. When they pick up the receiver it will keep ringing. Call in the middle of the night and pound on the door yelling "Answer the phone!" Use this along with hidden alarm clocks and coordinate the time, such as 2:30 am and pound on the front door, back door and have the phone ringing as well as the hidden alarm clocks go off.

Here's another trick to pull on a door that opens inward when the victim is inside, such as during the night. Tape newspaper over the door frame, leaving an opening at the top. Now fill the space with styrofoam peanuts, little balls of paper, popcorn, etc. and then finish closing off the opening. When the mark opens the door, a partial vacuum is created and the stuff will fly all over the room.

Fill some disposable cups about halfway with confetti (or paper, or whatever.) Turn off the ceiling fan. Gently lay the cups (on their sides) on top of each of the fan blades. Tape or rubber-band them in place. Wait for someone to turn on the fan!

You need a room (preferably the kitchen) with only one door. One night while they're sleeping, tape plastic wrap all over the doorway, with you on the inside of the room. Turn off the power so they can't turn on the lights. Make a racket (like pots and pans falling all over the place) and yell for help ("I've fallen and I can't get up"). When your roommate comes running to help you, they bounce off the plastic wrap they can't see. Have a camera ready to get a picture of their reaction!

Hope these helped! Have fun! If you get kicked out or he moves I am sorry but you can't stay with me!
i once glued all my sisters shoes to the floor.

i know its not much.. buts its just well, the guy above me has some greeeaaat ideas!
*fill thier room with balloons, hundreds of balloons.. or
*get a shit load of dixie cups and spread them in thier room all over the floor, dresser, and have each cup holding an inch of water or so, so its impossible to stack them when thier trying to pick the cups up, therefore they have to pick one up at a time.
*re-arrange thier room..
*like dickfacing, on someone who is passed out, set pictures of dicks all over thier room/house.
*eat and drink thier food, clamming its yours.
My roommate and I are girls, and we live with a guy :) FUN lol
He was grose and wiped something disgusting on my skirt so I gave him the evil "I'm guna get you" eye.

He has an overactive bladder, so when he went to bed, we ceran wrapped the toilet seat, lubed all the doorhandles, toilet seat, flusher, fridge handle. You name it.

Unfortunatly he got up 15 minutes later and had to pee.... he was still wide awake and found the ceran wrap, damn iiiit!
Then we got text messages from him saying "nice try". He didn't expect the lube though, we thought we cleaned it all up... then in the morning I went to get a drink and found the lubed up fridge door handle... we need new pranks because he's on the revenge war path lol.
missing door

once we took my roommates door off the hinges and hide it in the attic of our house. We also took the door knob off the door, hung it from a string above the door, so the knob would hang where it normally would be on the door. So she had no door but a door knob. she was drunk when she came home and didnt notice til the next morning and she couldnt find her door for a few days, so we gave her hints.
Reverse the door knob for the bathroom. (IE, so the lock is on the outside) Leave the door open and the door locked. When they go in, they'll just shut the door. Afterwards, they will be trapped inside.
If they are a heavy sleeper, you can do this to the door to their room as well.