how can i get better at my sprints?

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and somtimes i feel like im going so fast, that i start to get lower and trip.
how can i avoid that?
the faster you move your legs the faster your legs will go. also run on the balls of your feet not on your heels and if you start in a sprint start like me make sure that when you start your sprint the first stride you take is little not huge; it should feel like when you come out of the blocks like your going to fall over if you remove your hands and at take off your head should be down at least for 3-4 strides out

Good Luck:)
run up stairs
get sprint spikes
run on a really windy day against the wind
eat right
lots of carbs
run 3 sprints straight then take a 10 minute break then repeat but only with 9 minute break.. etc etc

i hope i helped :)
Running stairs will improve your stride and with a larger stride the better you'll run, also drink lots of water BEFORE and after you exercise.
Depending on what you run, you always run a longer distance than usual. This will build up your speed, endurance, and staminia. Here is a suggested running plan for events:

100m dash: Run a 200m dash at practice
200m dash: Run a 300m dash at practice
400m dash: run 2 laps
800: run 4 laps
Th Mile: Just run for about 10 minutes every day
wear ankle weights, or get a runner's parachute (will provide resistance..) So when you run without them you will eventually build up your strength and be fasterr