ok well shes only 9, and im 18, but shes a little spoiled brat! firstly, she always talks back about everything. if you send her to her room or somthing you have to chase her around the house! when i pick her up at school i have to wait like 3 hours till shes done talking with her friends. my mom wont let me leave without her. she cusses!!! shes always trying to start fights, like fist fights with me, lol, she throws things at me, oh and the other day she pierced body parts on her and her friends!!!!! and didnt even get introuble, she gets everything she wants!! oh btw we were raised by different parents cuz shes my half sister and i use to live with my grandparents. anyways today she made me soooo mad i took her youtube account away, my moms making me give it back, and since she always wears MY old clothes!! i took them all back!!! now she has like nothing to wear.... but w/e. am i being to harsh? what are someteach her a lesson with out being violent , or my mom noticing?