CS Source: Internet Speeds?


Gus P

Hi my internet is DSL and these are the current specs.

Upload 733avg KB/sec
Download 137avg KB/sec

Would i be able to run CS online without high ping?

I also have a high end gaming comp so parts aren't a factor really.
Hi my internet is DSL and these are the current specs.

Upload 733avg KB/sec
Download 137avg KB/sec

Would i be able to run CS online without high ping?

I also have a high end gaming comp so parts aren't a factor really.

If you want to run CS online without high ping means,you should keep in mind the following tips.
1.Don't open any videos,stream and check if there any problem in your router.
2.Make sure there's no browser .exe's still running in task manager
3.Try to contact your internet service provider and get suitable data plan.
4.Use any software like Game Booster
5.Move closer to server
For check your game server ping use WhoisXY.com