rat problem?


Mar 16, 2008
Okay, so i came home and went with my sister to get our rats out.We came down stairs and put the rats on the couch and turned on the television.30 minutes later or more, my rat got off and went up on the 4th floor to my mom.When I came upstairs I asked if my mom if my rat was up there and she said yes.I looked around and saw that my rat was sitting on the pot of my 1-2 year plant.She had dirt on her face .I think she ate some dirt! is that bad.If this helps,she has a tumour right under her chin so if the dirt effects the tumour in any way please tell me fast! And if it does effects her,please tell me how to cure it. THANK YOU!!!
I think she only dug in the box. My mice do that. If she has a tumour you should take her to the vet to get it removed.
Really depends on if you use fertilizer in that pot or not. You might have a problem if she ate fertilizer, but there is nothing wrong with her eating a little bit of dirt.

What kind of plant is it? Some plants can toxify their soil, but plants like that are usually more dangerous for other plants than animals.