The existing Gospel is not a reliable reference and it is not permissible to believe in what it contains in proving anything or denying it
Moreover, it appears from the words of the scholars: that alcohol was forbidden in the religion of Jesus, upon him and upon
and religion of islam

You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting, or you will die. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come,

◄ Leviticus 10:9 ►

The author of the book The Convergence of Religions stated: that priests and kings put in place many laws and ignorant obeyed them in analysis and prohibition, and he mentioned that they permitted wine and pork and worshiped crosses and images affixed to the walls
and they claimed that Jesus is: God or the Son of God

It is a common occurrence in the deeds of the Christians, the Lord's Supper, in which it is drunk wine,
and they claim that whoever drinks it is as if he drank the blood of Jesus, and by referring to the books that talk about Christianity, we find quotes about the alcohol drinker's threat to be deprived of paradise
No drunkards, no revilers, or kidnappers will inherit the kingdom of God.

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