I Just Need to Rant (Long, so don't read it if you don't wanna)?


May 20, 2008
I'm not getting bullied don't worry, I'm just going on a rant so listen to my story if you got time :)
I really, really don't like high school, I don't want to use the word hate, but it's close. I'm in Grade 11, and I just can't wait till the day I graduate. It's just that, I'm the kind of guy that is into physical activity. It's in integral part of my life and, well the lack of physical courses in H.S really affects me. Anything at all related to physical activity, phys ed. or a science that studies the effects of physical activity on you, etc, etc. I'm a really ambitious guy, and I do wanna grow up fast (please don't hammer me with the "h.s is the best part of your life, enjoy it!".) I understand where you're coming from, but I'm different. I love to have more responsibilities, and I'm also very ambitious and I have a need to HAVE to fill my responsibilities. My parents, aren't rich, per say. We aren't poor either. All these people, in my H.S come from rich families, or families with higher income and they just abuse it. I know many of them have little siblings that they just dump on a baby sitter and go party like its no tomorrow than rather take care of them, I know some of them choose to be idiots and smoke on the sidewalk like they're the damn mafia and several others who can just do any sport, go after any musical instrument like it's no problem (and it may rightfully not be a problem for them) because they have that income support, but some of them do abuse it and it's depressing to see that. It also really gets to me when I hear some of my classmates/friends talk about their hockey, their football, their band, etc. Hockey, I love it, favourite sport, TO WATCH. It is very expensive, I want to play it, I really do, but I don't want to put that kind of pressure on my parents. They wouldn't mind if I wanted to go into hockey, but I know in the back of their heads it's frustrating and I don't want to put that kind of pressure on them. I also want a keyboard ( i use to play the piano, stopped )
,but I don't wanna get one for the same reason. I can't just hang around after school joining clubs or anything like that, because most days I feel, that I have a responsibility to watch after my sister at home when nobody's there. When I was little, nobody was there for me, parents went to work early morning, till late night. I was at a baby sitters house for a good part of my early life and, I saw my parents for about 2-3 hours a day. I was a rebel kid, bad kid, I grew out of it eventually, and I think that experience made me grow up a lot faster than I would have, but it also put a lot of pressure on my parents. I don't want the same to happen to my sister, dumping her at a baby sitter which also = $ more mulla out of the pocket. It's not like we are getting bankrupted or living on the streets, but we just got to be careful with what we spend it on. So, I can't live as darn carefree as they can, and some of it is because of who I am, but who I am was built from what I have to live with. Don't take me wrong, I love my life the way it is, I love my family, love my neighbors, but some days, not having that financial support really gets on my nerves. I have really, really big plans for myself after H.S. A lot of goals, responsibilities I want to give to myself. Not too even mention the freedom I get as well.
I just can't wait to get out of H.S, get away from this environment of immature people, this stupid forced pressure by the schools, lack of options and just start working away at my goals and responsibilities. Another one of those responsibilities, is to get a career. Again, this is another thing that is EXTREMELY frustrating me and has been bugging me the past few days. There are 2, 3 careers that I am for sure looking to pursue. Nursing, Firefighter or police officer. I love the fact that you get to be around people, interact with people and be physical everyday. I love it more than anything in the world. But, I don't have the LUXURY of just picking a random one of those 3, give it a "try" and then choose another damn one. I don't want to put that pressure on my parents, the longer I take, the more my parents have to work their butts off to pay for my post-secondary education and my little sisters future. I'm basically undecided right now, and that's just another thing ticking me off.
AND because of my responsibilities, I don't want to get a job (part time). There are other things, that i do other than take care of my sister. I literally do 80% of the household work, cleaning bathrooms, the kitchen, all the floors, dusting, you name it. I can't, I just can't do it. I mean I just can't pin that on my parents suddenly and expect them to be okay with it while working their butts off.