Which is better--long distance running or sprints?

  • Thread starter ♥iloveyouXonemillion♥
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my P.E. teacher thinks sprints are better, but me, a cross country runner, thinks long distance is better. If you can support your answer that would be helpful too! thanks!
Different distances are better for different people. I run the 400 which is a middle distance but also the 200 and sometimes the 800. It just depends on how your muscles are built.
u gain much more muscle running sprints and its benificial to every sport. Long distance running uses many slow twitch muscle fibers and kills alot of other muscle fiber. but this is just my opinion, since i am a guy, and play baseball as well as football. Either one gets you in shape.
sprints because its easier to train for and its easy im 13 and i ran the 100m in 13.87 last year
I like sprints more because I get too tired for long distance.. I think long distance gets boring but you have to be in really good shape
I think it depends on what you can do. If you can accelerate really well, sprints are better. Long distance requires pacing yourself, so I think long distance is better.