Who do u prefer?


Killer Myers

George W. Bush
Freddy Krueger
Michael Myers
Jason V
*Wow tough one:-/

*They all kill people.

*And they are all scary as hell.

*But if it came down to it... Michael Myers.
Bush... wait was he the one that got stabbed by a spear? oh.. i must be thinking of freddy. yeah, freddy is the one who stabs with a spear. wait is he the one that paints easter eggs? ah, i must be thinking of myers. yes, myers is the one who goes around stabbing religious people with a spear. so that makes him Death... or Satan. Yes, Satan is the one piloting the Giant Angry Robots to knock over buildings with his giant robot penis, to kill jason.
Michael Myers, the only horror movie, to remain true. The coolest creation.

Of course, George W. Bush, has killed more innocent lives. (God Bless Our Soldiers)
So, he's a bigger murderer. (and real)
you have a shit*y taste in movies. try pulp fiction or good fellas, or for t.v. the sopranos (one of the greatest shows to ever air televison
Get a good few laughs at Bush so i say BUSH RULES! (Under these circumstances only)
Krueger, atleast he's intentionally funny. Haha jk, all of the above except Bush, just wish he'd end up dealing with all 3 of them. Now wouldn't that be a treat!
Freddy Krueger!!! Because he is next to Ronald Mc Donald's of being a famous character. he! he! he!

i'm lovin it

love ko'to