Where do I find women that don't complain excessively?????


May 15, 2008
Every woman I have dated has complained about the same things and I have always taken the shit. I see all this social media crap too and I take that but I just wanna know where to find the women that don't complain? I know there out there and I don't even want to know them to date them. I just need a fresh breath of air from the bullshit.

For example, women complain about HAVING to wear makeup. No one cares if they don't wear makeup and ATLEAST they have something to lean on if they are having a bad day with acne or they want to look nice. 2.) They always complain about men be "pigs" and shit. The amount of women I see that act the same way is just as much as men. I see women cheating all the time, lying all the time and playing people all the time. Just like men do. 3.) They complain about how men expect women to be a certain figure. Well I was born an ectomorph which means I can never be really buff and women expect men to be buff just as well as men expect women to have a nice figure. Its the same thing. 3.) This is my pet peeve. Periods. I'll even give that a free pass, i'll give some empathy. Sure its an unfortunate thing but thats all I hear about when woman want to complain about how bad they have it. It is so over used that I hear it complained more than I hear diseases and disorders complained. Some women will resort to it JUST to have something to complain about. There will even be complaining about it in the answers I am sure. Some complaints are just over used and thats when I lose empathy for it. 4.) Woman will make fun of guys for showing emotion. They will say, wow I need a man not a girly boy. If a man told a woman that it wasn't okay to be emotional she would have a fit. 5.) Men have to do all the work to begin a relationship (or atleast thats how society wants it.) But women will complain about EVERYTHING in the relationship.) Guys do not get credit for anything these days in relationships. 6.) I heard a feminist in one of my college classes talking about the military and she said she would rather go to jail then be drafted in the military. How screwed up is that, that a woman fighting for womens equality, would admit that she wouldn't want to do what a guy would have to do if they were drafted. If they want to stand for equality i'm all for that but equality goes for every area in my opinion including the selective service. 7.) These god forsaken posts about how men these days are awful to women in relationships. They out number any other subject I have seen on my wall. Every friend that i have thats a girl, has cheated on their boyfriend, who was loyal to the end. 9.) There are two gender roles, the guy goes out and provides for the family, and the women stay home and clean and cook. Yeah we have all heard it. But what do i hear complained about the most? Woman, complaning about the cooking and the cleaning. Hell I'd switch places anyday. Ill have the women going out into the world and makin the money while I stay in the house and do the house work, hell FINE WITH ME.

Guys these days are treated like the bad person in every situation, relationships, society even as criminals they are usually punished worse or accused guilty more often. I have never mentioned this before but its been steaming up inside me. Do i think women have it easier? No, but I think the troubles within the genders are equal in opposite ways. You just hear more about womens problems cause its complained more. WHERE DO I FIND THE WOMEN WHO COMPLAIN LESS AND HAVE SYMPATHY FOR BOTH GENDERS. AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF SYMPATHY AND RESPECT????? Those are the women I respect and wanna meet more!
Like I said in this question I keep this all inside. This is the first time I have ever went on a rant with this subject. Call it a complaint but I have to problem with complaints every now and then. I am talking about EXCESSIVE complaining. I mentioned this is the question but some of the answers below tell me that its not being picked up on. YES, this is one complaint for the years of not complaining I have went through.