How did I have such a bad trip from just thc crystals?


Active member
May 13, 2008
So here's what happened I had just thc crystals left which was from 2 different sets of weed because I grinded everything together so I made a blunt full of the crystals so me and my mate went out and smoked it we came back in and was as high as a kite I was sat there then all of a sudden it just felt like there was blackness flying at me and I couldn't control what I was doing I was speaking uncontrollably but I can't remember a thing I was saying then I started to feel faint and I remember falling to the floor then going into some strange trance black dream world where I was being repeatedly pushed around on a merry go round and I couldn't stop it I remember the feeling of spinning around on the floor in reality but I was still in this dream world which I couldn't get out of then I started to panic and scream because I couldn't get out it was like I was trying to pull myself out of my body which felt really heavy laying on the floor then it took 4 hours to come out of the trip?