Anyone have a spare invite for private torrents?


New member
Dec 29, 2013
I know it is considered highly unethical to ask for a free invite to a private torrenting site however recetnly i got shut down for downloading Need For Speed Pc 2005 edition and my internet was shut off for awhile. After that I have been trying to keep on the D.L (Down low) for awhile and stay away from PirateBay Lol. I am now sorta nervous about using it anymore due to risks. I heard about private torrenting sites that you need a password to access and its nearly impossible to get caught. I've been wanting to get into one but I don't know anyone that is already a member that can send me a invite :(
I tried but i am not getting much luck. If anyone has a spare invite they can e-mail me, I would be forever greatful ;-; And I will owe you lots . If not I understand the risks of just handing out a invite, It can put users in danger so I will be understanding. Thank you for all your time and I apologize for the long Statement above lol.
Also one more thing, if there is anyway to not get caught during torrent downloading, any programs that can be used easily to block your ip or something let me know. I know the risk is raised during seeding but I refuse to do so.
"Only the spawn of satan Don't seed" ;-;