What are your predictions for 2014, politically speaking?


Active member
May 13, 2008
Many in this forum have a very ignorant view of who I am, what I stand for, and whom I back. I don't trust either party. Last for elections, I wrote in Ron Paul. Not, that I completely agree will all Ron Paul stands for, but more to the fact, Ron Paul is not owned by special interests of either the left or right.

In short, I am for unity. Give and take, not the Obama way of, my way or the highway. The well off can afford to pay more, so perhaps if the government would stop wasting our tax dollars, they would be so inclined to do so. The dead beats, and they know who they are.. expecting an entitled living without giving back, a shame to be sure, the lack of pride.

What I would like to see in 2014, voter ID laws passed in all 50 states. There is no reason why the continued fraud of dead voters still casting votes, can't be stopped. End the ease of people voting multiple times in the same election, end illegals access to voting. If a platform can not stand on its own in the light of truth, and honesty, it will continue to poison the USA, cause division, and let the old money push the NWO on us. Also, a live and let live mantra be instilled in the hearts of all Americans, stop the judgement, hate, ignorance of that which is different. I say this to all, non for you are innocent. The left makes up crap about the right and the TEA Party, calling the whole, nothing but a bunch of racist... my gawd, stop the crap.. and the right, with all this Obama is a Muslim crap, Obama hates whites crap, blah blah blah... I strongly disagree with Obama's income redistribution agenda, but I don't hate the man. I do hate the way he LIES, goes around congress unlike any before him, changing, omitting, ignoring, adding to laws passed by congress which he signed. HE DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO LEGISLATE. THERE IS A SEPARATION OF POWERS AND CHECKS AND BALANCES FOR A REASON.. AND WHAT OBAMA IS DOING IS THE REASON THOSE SYSTEMS OF GOVERNMENT WERE MAD, SO THAT IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN.


p.s. I know I'm going to get a bunch of hate from the haters... for you useful idiots, I will pray for extra hard.