Why do Conservatives Whine about Taxes?


New member
Dec 27, 2013
STFU, and pay your taxes..We got people to take care of..

A civilized nation wont allow its Citizens to die in the streets, just because they cant afford home or healthcare..

Greedy sobs..
I think it just the idea that liberal portray themselves as taking care of the whole world. and the cons feed left out .
I take care of myself , my family and friends .

Try it sometime rather than being so obsessed with picking other people's pockets
So I take it you enjoy having citizens pay for TSA's illegal spying, torture at GITMO, the war on drugs which specifically targets marijuana which nobody ever died from using, the wars in the Middle East, giving drug addicts free checks, giving steroid users with PTSD disorders because they have badges tanks, drones paid by taxes blowing up children in the Middle East, exploiting the poor to take away freedoms etc... without anybody's consent? In the US there was a popular saying which was no taxation without representation. Meaning government doesn't tell we the people what they'll do with our money, we tell them because they are supposed to represent us.
Once you grow up and try providing your own family a decent living on the average American worker's salary, you'll understand. Meantime, STFU and go play with the X-box your parents bought you.
The depth of your ignorance is astounding. I'm a libertarian, but conservatives are at least right about taxes.

Taxes take money from productive endeavors. They funnel it to less productive endeavors, meaning fewer goods and services that people choose voluntarily are produced.

With lower taxes, there would be more prosperity, meaning far fewer people would be under threat of such catastrophes. Government cannot create prosperity. It cannot eliminate poverty.

Additionally, much evil is done with tax money. Think drones, perpetual warfare, etc.
You are crazy, taxes stink, they should be eliminated. I guess if you actually had to pay taxes you would know how much they suck...
I pay my taxes.
I also pay for 10 lines on a cel phone plan one for me, one internet, and the rest to family. I pay for my own healthcare. I expect others to do that as well. IF YOU want to help others then by all means do so WITH YOUR MONEY. I don't feel ANYONE is entitled to what they didn't earn themselves. If I want to give, then that is a GIFT, not something you are entitled to. When your entitlements take enough money to harm me, then I am going to try to stop that. Is it really too F***ING hard for Liberals to understand?
A civilized nation would have some jobs available, which would be better than a welfare state. You realize that no matter how much revenue the federal government gets it always borrows and spends more, right? And you also realize that a good chunk of that revenue either gets paid to the ruling elite for interest on the debt or is used to promote their worldwide interests. You'd have to revamp the whole banking system and tame the federal government to make real progress.