My friend whines a lot ?


Active member
May 11, 2008
My friend is 53 years old he's been married for 6 years he doesn't have kids him and his wife are happy shes really nice but he has a problem with whining a lot. He whines about almost everything. If one of his friends get something and he can't get it he gets mad and screams " IT'S NOT FAIR I WANT IT NOW ! ". And he jumps up and down and throws tantrums all the time. Yesterday he wanted to get his wife something special for Christmas he already had a nice gift he made for her but he whined " ITS SO HOME MADE ! SHE WOULD HATE IT ! " but he gave it to her she loved it. He does nothing but whine and cry. And if his wife asks him to do something he doesn't want to do he gets mad and says " NO ! ". And throws his stuff down like a little kid. What is his problem ? How can we get him to stop whining ? Is this normal for him ?