Ex-girlfriend wants to talk when the time is right! Need insight from mature...


Active member
May 11, 2008
...women please!? My ex of two years (she broke up with me over a month ago) I've already shared my issues on her already. We were engaged, but in October we decided to wait until after we get our masters and start the "real world". I went through the typical breakup blues (I was a mess, when she broke up with me, I begged, cried, everything). A few days after the breakup our emotions were still high and we said things that we shouldn't of said. We go to the same college, work at the same place, and have mutual friends (her sister and her sisters boyfriend). I'm 24 she is 21. Before Thanksgiving break she sent me and email saying that she doesn't want anything to do with me and said I showed my true colors; this was due to an argument when I said that she would "regret" breaking up; I was upset, I replied by being mature and respectful thanking her for being a part of my life and that I will miss you and her family.) When we got back from break she came in when I was working and the breakup became mutual and she wanted to be friends and take it slow. After we discussed about taking it slow and being friends, she wouldn't talk to me when people were around but we talk when we are alone, then she acted weird towards me and ignored me. Two Sunday's ago she tells her sister and her sisters boyfriend that she does not want anything to do with me ever again. However, last Tuesday before our break, she sent me a text hoping finals are going well and that during our Christmas break (which is now) she would like to take the time and talk but when she is ready? Does she regret the breakup? Also, I found out that she does not think that she will not find anyone like me (she told that to her sister a week and a half ago). Last Wednesday night I was working at her dorm (I'm a Desk Attendant) she was walking with her roommate and she waved at me. She still has some of my stuff and has not given it to me. I know she was stressed about school and work, she wanted to us to take a break from seeing each other all the time to miss each other because we were together 24/7 (which is not healthy) and as a result, I took it the wrong way and became clingy and paranoid (which I now realize my mistake and have been making changes and being mature). I haven't been bothering her at all and doing no contact, but that text threw me off because I'm curious what she wants to tell me or talk about during break. Like honestly, it cannot get anymore worse. We both have nothing to lose but our relationship to gain. I'm wondering if she did this so we can have space and to prove apoint, I'm just plain confused. Also, both of our parents loved the both of us and he parents we happy that she found someone as good as me, same goes for my parents. As of right now I'm just focusing on myself for the time being and being happy, I feel really relaxed and 100% positive, just been wrestling and lifting everyday; preparing myself for what she wants to discuss! Thank you a I just need a advice from a mature female because I cannot understand women! I sent her a Merry Christmas text today but no response; during Thanksgiving she told me Happy Thanksgiving! A lot of females told me that she still loves me and is playing games. What do you think?

Does she hate me? Love me? Thanks for the help ladies, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!