When people complain about "women" here...?


New member
Sep 28, 2011
Are they only talking about attractive white women? It seems like a lot of the comments don't at all affect, say, Asian women.
@Ryan I see someone can't get a girlfriend and then blames it on women instead of his awful people skills...
Most of the 'complaints' tend to apply mostly to white women. All the other ethnic and racial groups have a separate set of comments geared towards them
it is in the biology of women to go for richer and stronger men:

Some of the women here are white Americans, therefore some male users attempt to insult all the female users by complaining about white American women.

It appears that a lot of the users venture into GS simply to whine and complain about the opposite gender, or fabricate questions intended to create a reaction.

I like how some users aren't even attempting to answer your question....
That is the problem with people who generalize...they experience something in their corner of the world... and then accuse the whole world of being the same, as the perpetrator in their experience.

Some are very resilient in their assumptions and keep repeating it over and over...no matter what answers they get.
Sad...cause these men and women are limiting themselves from other more positive experiences.
Many are young men with almost no experience with women. THEY mean all women.