Can anyone give me a free online fortune telling into my future?


New member
Dec 25, 2013
I actually have only 2 questions about my future but if anyone could answer please take the time to do so or leave a link :) thank you
No problem.

- You're going to meet someone who will change your life.
- You're going to come into a sum of money.
- Someone you know is going to pass away.
- You're going to take a voyage.

There you go. You're welcome. (That's what every real psychic will tell you, only they'll charge a lot more.)
I could do so. But I would need to see the You. I need to see what kind of person you are, how you carry yourself, what your beliefs are. DO NOT trust those who claim they can do this kind of stuff over the phone or via the web. One needs to be connected to one's energy if they have "the gifts".
My services are free of charge by the way, just like they are from all who truly have "the gifts".
And real ones don't use things like crystal balls or tarot cards either.
@ goldfinch...clairvoyance. And other things : ) But haters will always be known by their hate, and cowards by their fears. I am sorry fake "fortune tellers" used you in the past.