How hard is it to drink underage on a cruise?


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Me and a big group of my friends are thinking about going on a cruise for spring break. I'm a 20 year old college student, and some of my friends will be underage and some will be of age for this cruise. The options I see are either try to sneak in booze, split an unlimited drink pass with a 21 yr old friend or use a fake ID once on the ship. What are the risks of each option, and which is the best option? I've never been on a cruise before, so if anyone has details on how strict they are, and their policies that would help. Also if you are gonna say something about how I'm underage and shouldn't be drinking during my college spring break I'm not interested in your opinion.
I forgot to mention, but the cruise starts in Florida, heads down to Key West and then goes to Mexico
It depends on the cruise line. Most cruise lines have the age limit of the country that runs the line. So, if you are with a European line (the minimum alcohol purchase age in most European contries is 18) then you should be OK. But only the cruise line can tell you for sure.

You will find that cruise companies do not usually allow passengers to consume their own private stocks of drink and, if you try to sneak some on board it will be found by security and taken from you. You will not get it back until your cruise has finished.

You are not, incidentally, too young to drink, even in Nanny-State USA. 21 is the minimum purchase and public consumption age in the USA - most States have no minimum private drinking age.
Drinking ages depend on a few factors. Some ships adhere to the laws of their country of origin, some to where they are at the time and some by the laws of international waters if they are in international waters at the time.

You don't state the cruise line or where the cruise is going so we can't look it up.

You may want to look into that with the cruise lines before you make any assumptions or break any laws you may be legally allowed to drink at 18 yrs old on ship.
I went on my first cruise back in November and I was in your same situation. And my 21st birthday was Saturday so it sucked that I wasn't even a month away. Lol. But I was on a carnival cruise and they make you link your card or put cash on their version of a credit card called sail and sign. This is the only way to pay for stuff on the cruise/your room key also. When I tried to buy a drink at one of the bars it popped up on the chicks screen that I wasn't 21. I was with people who ended up just buying me drinks and I would give them cash so it worked out. When you get off on islands in other countries you can get hammered all day though. Just can't bring any back with you on the cruise.

As far as sneaking it on someone in our group brought some in some type of clear plastic bag. Almost looked like a bag used when they hook you up with an IV at a hospital. I have no idea how it made it through plane and cruise security but they did it! I wouldn't advise it but good luck if you try!
Ok, if you are below the legal drinking age, it will be really really difficult to BUY alcohol. However, just GETTING alcohol shouldn't be hard at all. Just look for the youngest, drunkest, happiest looking guy there and chill with him for a bit. He'll buy you drinks.