Why don't Christians/Muslims, + their buddies the agnostics, recognize factual


May 13, 2008
reality = NO GODS EXIST?
no gods

no god

no purgatory

no demons

no limbo

no hell

no angles

no heaven

no souls

no spirits

no talking snakes
Kill ....... I'm asserting these religious beliefs are *NOT* fact.
Abraham ...... wonderful, do you feel superior now? Nice try.
Rick ..... that's great. Guess what? I can empirically prove there's a 2 headed invisible fairy living in my garden. Gee, we are both sooooo "scientific".
Katarzyn ...... you have "proof" of what you believe in *YET* you are so ashamed of it all, and embarrassed, that you won't reveal what you believe in. Hmmmmm !!!!!
Jesus Blasphemer ........ the world I live in is called "factual reality"
Johnny .... "rejecting other peoples beliefs" has *NOTHING WHATSOEVER* to do with it. Factual reality exists *REGARDLESS* of what people believe or don't believe, and regardless of whether one accepts or rejects those beliefs. Everyone is entitled to believe anything about anything .... that's a basic human right. Nobody has the right to either force or heavily lean on people to come over to any type of "belief".
? ...... hey, you spelled Saint Peter with a small "s". How dare you, you'll go to hell for that.