I spilled coke on my kindle fire hd. I dried it off and left it to drain until morning but it still isnt turning on. However, it has cracks in the screen and it got wet too. Im not sure whether it got into the cracks. But what will it do?
Also, my blackberry got coke on it aswell, i dried it off and it didnt work, so i took the battery out and dried that too and the inside, put the battery back in and a green light popped on on the L.E.D i tried switching it on but it wouldnt work, so i left it and tried again a little while later and it turned on, but when i went to type my password in, it wouldnt let me type it in. When the screen turned black, it didnt turn back on again. I left it until morning but now it wont turn on at all now.

What should i do to get them to turn on and will they work again? Thank you