Okay there is a boy in my class.
We don't talk that much. He has his seat in the opposite corner of the room far away from where I seat but he comes nearer to my seat and sits in a place where I am able to watch him. He if the clown of the class and often makes jokes and I pretty much laugh on it. Whenever he cracks jokes and I laugh I find him looking at me directly in my eyes. Hundreds of time I have even found him staring at me. But we have never made a talk. Except we just talk when we are in our groups.

Why does he stare? Does he likes me or thinks that I am gross or ugly.
Hey! I look pretty enough to impress you in our first meet.

What should I do. Just don't advise me that I talk with him. Because I am kind of shy...

Well what I should do when I catch him staring at me.
I can't smile....I am not ready for a relationship. Alright.
Well I like him but not ready for a freaking relationship!