10 Points - Will my buddy get grievance pay (Canada)?


May 13, 2008
Mu buddy was recently fired from his job of 2 and a half years working in a mine. He was fired with cause (showing up late to many times) and he tried to fight it since he claims he has a sleeping disorder (he hasn't been diagnosed with a sleeping disorder yet) and eventually he lost his appeal at getting his job back through the Union. He's accepted that he won't be getting his job back but he thinks he will get grievance pay from the Company. He's still fighting the termination (the appeal isnt official yet but its pretty much already over) but he's not likely to get his job back since he has yet to be diagnosed with a sleeping disorder and even if he is eventually diagnosed, it will probably be too late. However, he thinks that the Company will buy him out with grievance pay.
So do you think that will happen??

Do you think he will receive grievance pay??