What would a typical high level UFC fight look like if the rules were ALOT more...


May 13, 2008
...relaxed? So throat strikes eye gouges nut shots etc were all allowed.

How would MMA have evolved if the rules were super relaxed and it was extremely dangerous? (and there was a deeper pool of talent than even modern MMA has)

So now alot of other styles and their techniques would become useful.

Would everyone be in the on guard stance Bruce Lee used and "fencing" each other with eye gouges nut shots, and side kicks?

Or would it look alot like it does now just with gouges from mount instead of punches, nut shots instead of leg kicks, and more eye pokes to set up the KO punches?
LMFAO! That was a classic moment in the history and evolution of martial arts.

See he needed to use some fajing, to provide the shock and pain to the balls, he was clearly pushing his balls up. xD