Does my snake have crypto?


New member
Nov 25, 2012
I have a young corn snake. He didn't eat for over two weeks and has swollen stomach. I looked around on the internet and found a parasite called crypto that can swell snakes digestive systems. I managed to get him to eat a mouse 3 days ago and he has yet to regurgitate it. However his stomach is still swollen looking to me. I would take him to a vet but I called all of the ones near me and none of them have anyone who specializes in reptiles and told me I would be better off getting help from the internet.
So what do I do now? Just wait and see if he dies?
He seems completely normal except for his stomach..
You really need to find a reptile vet to help your snake; if it is crypo, it is serious business and needs professional help. Here's a few places that can help you find a reptile vet nearest you:

Hopefully you'll have better luck finding a herp vet via these listings.