A cold and bloody event that happened in the 1940s was the Japanese Internment Camps which circulated the relocation of Japanese-Americans for "safety" just after the attack on Pearl Harbor. "In relocations camps they would be safe" and "There was no way to distinguish loyal U.S. citizens from those whose first loyalty was to Japan" are some reasons for the relocations quoted from A Loaded Weapon: Japanese Relocation packet. As the U.S.A. is in shatters and unsure what to do with Japanese-Americans, camps were formed. A novel written about this intrusive event by Julie Otsuka is introduced with aspects of this event. In the novel When the Emperor Was Divine the son's point of view is shown by a blue egg-shaped stone, a black fedora hat, and a turtle claw because they reflect his most treasured memories and his calm, simple-minded personality in the Japanese Internment Camps.