I just don't get...


New member
Mar 26, 2008
So what don't you get?
What do other people like that baffles you?

I just don't get...Bob Dylan.
I get that he can write a good song from time to time but why do people listen to him?
I heard a song of his this morning. Truly awful. Horrible singing voice and everytime he played the harmonica it was like nails down a blackboard. More like a disharmonica.
Subterranean homesick blues is great. But apart from that...I don't get it.

So now...either defend liking Bob Dylan or post your own "I just don't get...".
spent some time thinking on things I don't get last night. One of the big offenders was something that confused me while I was at uni, but didn't really become apparent and a serious thing in my eyes until I had a girlfriend (now ex) who did the same thing.

Yes ladies and gentlemen I'm talking about drinking with the intention of getting so drunk you don't remember anything and throw up. I understand drinking to have a good time, from my very brief drinking career during my mid teens I will happily admit that a bit of booze will loosen people up and provided its the right booze it will make people happy and they can all have a good time.

And while I don't think its a brilliant idea, I can kind of understand the whole drinking away your sorrows thing, there are better ways to go about it but yeh I imagine it would be a quick fix perhaps?

Do I don't have a problem with drinking, lots of people assume that because I am T-Total that I have a personal hatred of alcohol and people getting drunk, which I really don't. But what I don't get is people that should be in the first category (drinking to have fun) who actually plan to get so drunk they don't remember everything and chunder. I saw a lot of this at uni, we'd be driving back from the wakeboard lake and the others would literally say that.

Generally I didn't go out with those people, purely because I didn't like going to the places they went, so the following day I'd ask if they had a good night, and they'd reply with "I honestly don't know, I don't remember a thing, but I feel rubbish now" and most of the time they'd have spent £60-90 on drinks the night before.

Likewise the aforementioned ex came with me to Download Festival a few years back, with the intention of spending the entire 5 days as drunk as possible. SO she was planning on spending the best part of £200+ on the tickets and travel costs, and probably not far off of the same on booze itself on a weekend where the only parts she'd remember are the hungover mornings? And she didn't see a problem with this...

/rant off

Surely I'm not the only one confused by that sort of behavior? :3
No, you're not the only one who doesn't get it.

I especially don't get it at gigs or other events...why get wasted so you can't remember what you went to see or do. You might as well have saved the money on the ticket and gone to a bar.

I know someone who recently went to the theatre and got drunk before, more drunk during, and fell asleep during the play.
Car insurance quotes!!!! How can they go from ~£320 up to well over £1000 for the same car????

Particularly as the stupid thing isn't even worth £1000!
..the amount of money in Football (Soccer for you Americanos)

I understand that there is a short "life span" and its really hard training everyday and possibly being asked to play more than once a week.

But seriously? £100k a week?? And thats low compared to some. As mentioned in a post in another thread...I'm gonna throw my kid in a football programme.
Yeh the football wage thing baffles me, slightly less so with NFL paychecks as their career is generally extremely short, but I really don't get the millions people earn for playing a sport. Some are pushing the £20M a year mark, to kick a ball around? Fair enough these players do it better than anyone else in the world, but seriously? And often thats not including their Sponsorship deals. A quick google throws up some guy called Samuel Eto'o (can't say I've ever heard of him) who earns £327,474 Per Week!
While I agree there is also another side to this.

If I'm part of a team of 20 that makes my company tens, if not hundreds of millions each year, then I'm not dong it for £50,000 plus a company car.
Personally I would never leave a game early unless I was forced to. The end is as much a part of the experience as the beginning. (As Confucious might have said had he been a football fan.) And I don't like to miss anything which I might want to know about later, whether it be on the field or off it.

I take your point about the difference between a close game and a thrashing, but it was more the close games that I was talking about originally. People who leave early when th egame is hanging in the balance. What a waste of money!
Some things I don't get:

- War
- Feminists
- Anti-abortion
- Men who could hurt women
- Women who get angry at men for holding back against them
- People who mercilessly keep talking to you, while missing all the signs you're giving them that you want to leave. It's like being imprisoned in a conversation.
- Disregarding the value of someone's opinion, because of his achievements.
- Religious people who tell me they've heard the voice of Jesus or God.
- Why I lose my appetite when an incredibly ugly person is talking to me when I'm eating. (I know it's bad, but I honestly can't help it)
So if you were being obnoxious and a man would punch you in the face with a wild haymaker like he would do to another man, you would be fine with that?

Yeah uhm...no you won't. Apart from the fact that being obnoxious is not a good reason to get blasted in the face, there is such a thing as overkill.
Apart from 2 sparring partners, women have never complained about the way I treat them. In fact, I often receive compliments about my good manners. So if it's about majority rules, then this website loses. No offense.
Haha...people thinking you need to know the London underground to play Mornington crescent.
Everyone knows that with Stravinksy variation in play and the third ingrungement active a knowledge of the underground is actually a handicap.
My wife was just stood behind someone shopping at Tescos that bought £165 worth of assorted ciggies.
Probably doing the big family shop for the week?

To my dying day I'll never get smoking and why people do it.
I get impressionable kids starting smoking to look cool. All kids do stupid stuff. I get it can be hard to stop once you start (although I've known at least 2 people that smoked most of their lives, decided to stop one day and never smoked again).
But I don't get seemingly rational adult humans spending that amount of money just to shorten their lives and make themselves smell.
I don't get having a whole industry trying to make people start smoking and then a whole other industry trying to help stop (all the while hoping that new people start smoking so they can sell them stuff to stop smoking later in their lives).
I just don't get it.