US embassies attacked


Apr 3, 2008
In Cairo protesters scale the embassy walls and burn the American flag. In Benghazi, Libya the US consulate attacked with rockets, killing the US Ambassador. All this over a Youtube video condemning Islam as a violent religion. They react to a film calling Islam violent by launching violent attacks. Ironic isn't it. I could say more but i'd just get more upset.
Its ridiculous, it reminds me of the Danish cartoon drawing incident.

Religion allows people to do bad things. It gives them a feeling of divine right.
Though you have to acknowledge the Libyan council condeming the protests citing the sacromony of life.

I am yet again saddened that they won't show the video for fear of reprisals against their own news stations.

These are two countries that have recently been through a lot of turmoil and that kind of turmoil causes pressure to build. Then, when something like that video is released, it gives a lot of people a target for their anger and their frustration.

Let's be clear - this has nothing to do with Islam or that dumbass youtube video. Just like the UK riots had nothing to do with a guy getting shot by the police in Tottenham. It was just the match that lit the touchpaper, giving a lot of angry people an excuse to act out violently whilst claiming a righteous motive.

My condolences to the loved ones of those killed in yesterday's violence.
Surely the protesters saying it was because they had insulted the Prophet Mohammed shows it was religously motivatied ? (Source RT/BBC)

Or do you think it was just general frustration, at "the nearest target" ?

Then the protesters are all bunch of dumbasses. Violence is never justified in Islam except in self-defense and it has to be the absolute LAST resort. If the protesters were "religious," then this wouldn't have happened. They're just using it as an excuse to vent off frustration and whatnot, exactly what Holy said.

My condolences to the family and friends of those who were killed.
I wasn't sure there was anybody left in the world that didn't understand Muslims in the Middle East took insults to their religion very seriously no matter what the actual intent was. So was this video made and published just to provoke a reaction? I guess it served it's purpose.
No im sorry that is nonsense, Violence is justified throughout the Quran as well as the Hadith.

"If you die fighting for Allah, you'll be rewarded in heaven. 3:157 "
"Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it." 2:216
"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." 4:103

e.g what is the punishment for the crime of Apostasy?

"If the protesters were "religious," then this wouldn't have happened."

Religious people are not violent?

I don't want to turn this into a big argument but I think your statement is just wrong.

No offcourse not,

I was trying to assertain if he thought the prime mover was religion or political tension.

The film was produced by an American and apparently played to an empty theater in California. it is now being promoted by Florida based Islamophobic preacher, Terry Jones. Mr. Jones rolls into town every once in a while to whip up the local Muslim population in Dearborn, MI.

Ironically, the film would have drifted into obscurity and will now be seen by millions. I think the Libyan incident had underlying layers to it that resulted in the use of RPGs. I had read in Cairo that supporters of a football club were part of the protest which would lead one to believe it was a good old throwdown at the US Embassy.
For every one of those individuals who stormed the embassy, and committed these heinous crimes, thousands of Muslims disapproved. The Arabic TV news stations are full of prominent individuals who are condemning these attacks.
Yes very true, same with the Cartoon incident 12 prominet Muslim Councils issued letters of condemnation about the violence which recieved no to little media coverage.

But this offcourse would not support what fox news&co are trying to sell

Well I don't think that Islam gets a fair deal. You get people insulting Islam, when they know it is going to offend Muslims, but by the same token if I said that I didn't believe in the holocaust I could be locked up for 5 years, let's be at least even handed in this
Pakistan tried to table a motion at the UN saying it would be an offence for any religion to be insulted/criticized, gladly it didn't get through the process.

One is a matter of personal belief based on no facts but an interpretation of a particular mythos and one is a matter of historical fact that killed millions of people

So you are wrong
If you're going to reduce it to that level of simplicity, then you could also say that no one will try and burn down your embassy or assasinate you for saying that you don't believe in the holocaust.
You're not really comparing like-for-like there. Two very different issues.

Of course, the laws regarding 'hate speech' against people based on their race or religion vary from country to country. And while a few countries have made Holocaust-denial a specific offense, most have not.
I think it gives them an excuse. Violence without reason is hard to justify, but if you can hide behind a religious motive, then you can claim your actions were justified.
Considering all the Christians being killed by Moslems in Moslem Egypt and Sudan and so on, it totally seems 100% correct to say that you're better off being a Moslem in the quote-unquote "evil" USA, then you are being a non-Moslem in those countries.

In other words, we "evil people" in the "evil" lands treat Moslems totally kinder, gentler, more lovingly, and all-around nicer, than the way Moslems treat us in their lands. You do over here what they do over there, and the sheriff will hunt you down and arrest you, and you will go to jail. Over there, the government turns a blind eye.

Over here we literally have so-called "artists" who make an entire so-called "art show" out of submerging the holy crucifix, complete with Jesus' body, in a jar of urine. We don't kill those rude people. We don't burn down their houses or put out a contract on their lives.

I have no patience for people as out of balance as those Egyptians. I have no patience for people who actually think God cares more about a piece of paper or jar of urine than he does about human beings.

I also have no patience for that so-called "pastor" in Florida, but you know, he doesn't kill people or wreck their homes or burn their churches or anything like that. He's thoroughly contemptible, but the Moslems in the news are an order of magnitude worse, and that disparity speaks volumes to me.
Oh right. Well that makes insulting people okay then when you know it will likely provoke a violent reaction.