Pro wrestling


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Ok I wasnt sure where to post this if anyone thinks it could be better placed elsewhere then feel free to move it. I was wondering what peoples views on pro wrestling are. In particular I was wondering if people thought training in pro wrestling could be considered training in a martial art?
I treat it as a action based TV show.

I've met a few guys training in Pro-Wrestling and its quite impressive on what they can do. Seeing a 125kg bloke do a moonsault is sweet. Also the stuff that they go through everyday, trying to ply their trade.

Its like a travelling circus and its only televised if its actually any good with tv contracts as well as talent. A lot of guys I met were actually from a MA background, Gymnastics and others just general athletic ability.
allot of people big on the offtopic scene up here now where pro wrestlers at one point, allot of pro wrestlers have training in martial arts and many genuinely know submission holds and such, so there is defiantly crossover of course there is its a simulation of combat so there will always be a connection to actual combat training. but is pro wrestling a martial art in its self ? in my opinion no, its a performance art, one of the most highly demanding physically and in terms of improve acting and it deserves considerable respect as such,as much as any martial art gets for its own merits but no there not the same thing even though the physical training is probably set up in much the same way.
Pro-Wrestling in terms of physicality is perhaps the hardest training I ever indulged in. Mind you I started VERY late...and I will go back

The reason it is not a martial art per se is that although many holds USED to be legit and put on for show, the effectiveness of the moves these days is secondary to it's visual impact.

My gimmick I was working on at the time was that I used legit CACC holds in my wrestling...the visual effect was quite different so it stood out. I only did it for about 4 months but my MA background REALLY helped (especially on the bumps). Then job/family caused me to put it on hold.

I intend to return to the ring within a year and actually have my first match - which I will of course post up for you all!
Another vote for "No, 'pro' wrestling is NOT a martial art". Are pro wrestlers amazing athletes? Absolutely. They clearly have terrific strength, coordination and control to do those moves without killing each other, but it's all an act, more like semi-improv stunt work.
Dude, it's choreographed, and the outcome pre-determined. They go into the ring ALREADY KNOWING WHO WILL WIN AND HOW. The outcome is scripted. Beforehand. They're following a script.

And they're not actually trying to hurt one another. Injuries are not supposed to happen. THEY'RE NOT TRYING TO HURT EACH OTHER because they need each other for next week's broadcast.


So no, it's not a martial art. That said, they are unquestionably top-notch athletes with amazing, and I mean amazing, physical attributes. I would never want to get in a fight with one of those guys.
One Step = Pre-arranged victor
Demos = Pre-arranged victor
Kata = Pre-Choreographed Moves
Aikido = Done with compliant partner who takes bumps for you
Pro-wrestling - can't be bothered to watch.

Pro-wrestlers - AWESOME ATHLETES - Much respect.

Probably the only people I can think of who are tougher are professional ballet dancers - who often carry on working with injuries that would sideline many (most?) martial artists.
Many pro wrestlers have a really solid amateur wrestling background.

Pro wrestling is testosterone soap opera.

If you want to be a pro wrestler, start out as an amateur wrestler, not some fool throwing his cousin off the roof onto a glass table or something.