Is my MMA gym to rough for its own good?


Jun 7, 2008
I joined the "ufc gym" an ive been doing it for about 2 weeks an i did my first actual sparring today. it was ok for me i didnt get hurt. but just today 2 guys got rib injuries.. one guy got a seperated rib an the other im not sure? but they were rolling in agony for a good 10 mins. then another guy got knocked out cold. an one other guy choked unconcious when he said he was tapping. I respect these guys but i'm not afraid of this. I don't want to get hurt in my first 2 weeks of training.. i wanna learn an learn. is this just how all mma gyms are? ty.
I live in temecula so i have like 30 choices i could train at team quest. i looked up the instructors an they all have pro fights. one guy fought in strikeforce, an the jiu jitsu instructor is a brownbelt whos competed in jiu jitsu tournys. but i dunno im confused.
last question they had me roll with a 240 pound guy an im 156. with punching. is that normal its ok if it is just wanna make sure
umm why would i lie about this? idc about how im perseved. im tellin what happen and i thought it was to much.... im not proud of seeing it. im just tellin the truth.
An i SWEAR to GOD all of what i said happend in front of my eyes