Goin Outback Tonight


New member
Feb 20, 2008
What's good in the hood from thurr? I can't remember what I got the last time I was there, but I am fucking hongryyyy
get bloomin onion for appetize, then get kookabura chicken wings. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
do you kiss your mother with that mouth??

No beer. I had too much of it last night lol, I'm getting blood taken tomorrow so I wanna be good. But last night pretty much ruined it for me. not in the mood for steak atm.
Holy shit that actually sounds amazing. I may say fuck the salad lol and spring for that.
Crickey, you betta put an extra shrimp on tha barbie for this mate. Hes'a biggin, crickey look at that monsta down that bloomin onion! What a beaut!