views on drug users


New member
Apr 2, 2008
yes i know its a depressing thread near christmas. anyway i was wondering what the general opinion is towards people on drugs. theres a lot of support for people coming off substahces but theres a lot of grumblings with things like addicts getting paid to quit and such so what's your stance? or maybr if you know/knew someone on drugs what do you think about it?
personally i had a firm velief that drugs are a mugs game and its your fault if you take them. i got ticked off when i went to court and someone got a lenient sentence for stealing 'cos it was "his addiction that drove him to it." I had the same thing with dealers. i just thought "well no one forces it in their hand so what's the big deal"? but i was listening to a new song about it and it got me thinking, and a mate tokd me a couple weeks back he started taking weed and Ex and tried to get me on it. Basically i been thinking about it a lot recently, what do you think about users?
BIG drug users, heroin, meth, crack etc are driven by their addiction. It was most likely their own choice to get involved, but I know people who's started without fully knowing what exactly they are getting involved with.

I guess I can sympathise, but loathe them at the same time.
Each to their own. Live and let live. If someone wants to do drugs that's their problem, i have enough worries of my on without adding some other mugs worries to it.
Once you've opened the box you never know what's going to happen. You could be lucky and be one of those take it or leave it kind of people or you could completly screw up the rest of your life. Best not to find out which.
about the same with me. heroin addicts are probably the ones i cant sympathise with but the ones i do the most if you get what i mean. i think you have to have some real issues to inject yourself with it but its the one that seems to destroy lives thd most
meth is much worse than H, though H is bad enough.

Im lucky/unlucky enough to live very close to the H capital of Europe, so I can see the damage it does up close. I can also, if I wished, get pure H for £2 a hit.
In moderation i think drugs are fine its just when you over step it, by that point your far too gone anyway and need help.

Watched my mate destroy himself on them but i have mates who use them all the time and live a normal life without any problems.

Depends what sort of person you are
i dont mind people on a bit of recreational like a joint on a night out or something. and 2 quid for some smack? i'd be tempted to start dealing if i could get supplied for that.
Im on about harder, coke, E's, ket. But im into the dance scene so its hand in hand, you'd be lucky (or blind) not to come across one of these 3
I really don't see a problem with other people using drugs as long as it doesn't negatively affect the lives of the people around them. I know plenty of people who smoke the ganj on a regular basis and raise families, get educated, or stay in shape (in different combinations of the three).

When you start talking about the hard stuff, well . . .

I don't think drug use itself is a punishable crime in the same sense as murder or theft. I don't think nonviolent, otherwise law abiding citizens should go to jail for it.
This might be controversial, but I think a lot of young people try the milder stuff and grow out of it. I don't think it's that big a deal. The problem as I see it isn't with the milder ones but the really hardcore highly addictive ones. Personally, I'd like to see the milder ones legalised, possibly some of the middling ones too. This would grant several benefits:

* Proper quality controls could be put into place, meaning you wouldn't get stuff cut with all sorts of other potentially deadly chemicals.

* It'd lose its seedy image - possibly making it less attractive. How many people try drugs because they're illegal?

* It would take many of the pushers off the streets.

* There would probably be a drop in crime as a result of the above two points.

* The government could tax it and use the money to help those who want to quit - they'd essentially be paying for their own healthcare. (If you have a problem with this, think of the enormous amount of money the government makes from tobacco and alcohol - both massive killers! Hypocrisy much?)

* Some of the money could be used to build centers where the more hardcore users could take them in a safer environment. As a nice side-effect, there'd also be less druggies interacting with us non-users.

Naturally, what I've outlined above is an "ideal world" scenario. In the real world there would be drawbacks as well. However, I don't think there's a solution that doesn't have some drawbacks. I feel that the drawbacks with what I've outlined would be less than the drawbacks with the current system.

Of course, one drawback is whichever government brought this in would lose votes from the "drugs are bad, m'kaaaay" sheeple. Given which, I seriously doubt it'll happen.
If you haven't been there, you realy cant coment.... you've never really experienced the good.... or the bad sides of drugs.

Most of the harsher opinions on drugs/takers comes from people who know very little.

Good post Fish.

Live and let live!
Been there, I worked for twenty odd years in drug and gang environment. The bad waaaay offsets the good.

My advice stay well away.

regards koyo

or I'll tell you some real horror stories.
The thing about drugs (and i realise it may be a bit pre-emtive me saying this bearing in mind im young) is:

-You generally start at too young/iofftopicture an age to controll it.

And one of three things happens

1)You have a bad time/get sick of it and give up forever

2)Enjoy yourself, and learn the benifits of moderation(usually after a few dodgy nights) and come out the other end unscathed

3)You get into the bad habbits, binge and generally piss you're life away.

Of course, all this could apply to any drug, and that includes alcohol. But less people with booze fall into catogory 3, not because its a "less damaging drug" but because as a socially accepted past time, theres plenty of support available- eg parents who accept you'll have a good time when you turn 18, but may put the foot down if you come home everynight puking you're guts out. But drugs are bad m'kay.

Personally I'd like to see drugs decrimanalised, for these three reasons

1)Drug dealers don't follow trade acts. They sell to kids, and they sell contaminated ****. You wouldn't buy beer with rat poision would you? When i was 15, i can honestly say it was easier to get hashish for a party than it was beer. Why? the offy will get shut selling to kids! Then again, the hashish left us feeling alot better than a skinfull of cider!

2)It is a billion dollar industry, people want drugs, always will. Not just addicts. It funds some nasty people, just think of 1930's proabition in the states- Al capone, etc.

3)Why should anyone who gets caught smoking a joint be tarnished with a criminal reccord for the rest of there lives?

Personally, at the minute I'm trying to live healthily, i wont smoke anything, and anything in between is a true treat. However, one thing because of society i find it very very hard to avoid is booze. It's everywhere, and everyone just loves getting pisched! Don't want to drink, want to get up early for a jog. However, I want to go to town and try my best with some young ladies. Theres no reason i shouldn't be able to not drink and still go out, but hand on heart, in clubs and pubs its very very hard have a good time without.

The amount of days wasted because of hangover, at such a young age horrofies me. I have never had a hangover off a joint....
Speaking as a son,and a parent, it aint all that much different than alchohol, we all need ways to escape the world we live in....

Also I agree there are far more bad sides than good with drugs, but that can be said about alot of things!!