Leave Britney Alone !!!


New member
Apr 7, 2008
I didn't see this thread on the forum yet so I figured I'll share a video clip:

We are making money from Britney? Damn. I want my share.

Lets see.... She gets airtime from her early work. Her music is still played (why I have no idea...) Gets money going off on a bender and selling the story later on to tabloids? Damn. I must be in the wrong business.

check out some of the other vids...

Sweet Jesus... now you've just seen inside the world and mind of a celebrity stalker! What a freakshow!
Absolute comedy gold... go and check some of the video responses... they have well and truly roasted this cat.
Eh, you actually thought that "he" was anything but?

This cat is all over youtube trying to make a name for whatever reason. I had avoided this video like the plague and still have not watched it. If I had to guess, I would venture to say this feminine gent goes all weepy about how we prostitute Brittany and we should overlook her latest performance.

Am I in the ball park?

***I missed the whole VMA award show too***
Wow, I predict he will do great things some day.

Edit: Apparently he's an actor http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=113936924&blogID=258392551
Seth Green did a parody of Mr. (Ms.???) Crocker's video that I did watch. Though he drops a few explitives, I got a chuckle out of it...
But Star Wars kid was an accident (accident as in he never intended to have it shown in public). This is all show.
I saw this a few days ago and was wondering how long it'd take before it appeared on MAP.

I've been trying to figure out if it was serious or not ever since I saw it. On one hand it's so flamboyantly OTT that it makes you think it's an act, but then on the other hand there genuinely are people out there that fruity.
I guess this guy is becoming famous now. He was on Jimmy Kimmels's show, various radio stations and supposed to be on other shows this week.
Pretty pathetic. I like Seth Green's version thou
hah, had never heard of this and it looks to be a guy wanting to gain notoriety through youtube but i still liked seth greens video response: 'and I am tough to go through because I am tangible.' made me giggle at least.