"In my personal opinion"


New member
Apr 25, 2008
People, please stop saying the "personal" as in in my personal opinion. Not only does it sound stupid and pompous, its COMPLETELY unnecessary- its an opinion, of COURSE its bloody personal. Yes, I'm looking at you Hubert Poo, sil3nt_chaos, amyob, Qaz25, eurydice333, and the rest of youz.

"In my personal opinion"

"Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."

In my personal opinion, that counts as a fail :)

Had to be done.
"In my personal opinion"

The fatal flaw in that line of reasoning, though, is relying on ihav's search to work perfectly! :p:
"In my personal opinion"

In my personal opinion I can type what the hell I want and you can kiss my arse
"In my personal opinion"

Tis true, tis true.

Or the url was wrong.

Or both!

We shall never know.
"In my personal opinion"

Yeh like you can innit but it dont make itright does ittt.

Oh I'd love to darling.
"In my personal opinion"

I could understand you being pedantic about the frequent misspelling of "definitely", the common mix up of "their", "they're" and "there", the equally common butchery of "your" and "you're" and even the delusion that some people seem to be under that "noone" is a word. However on this particular topic ... does it matter? :S

Edit: I also wish to draw attention to the Oxford comma and a missing apostrophe in the OP.
"In my personal opinion"

Yeh, but here your actually ADDING a word, in those examples its just mixing stuff up cos your typing fast innti.
"In my personal opinion"

It just doesn't seem so bad to me :dontknow: but I have never caught myself saying it.
I noticed that during a conversation I always say "but seeing as", I've only just noticed that the word "seeing" is in no way necessary at all, that's sort of similar.
"In my personal opinion"


People get frustrated by the smallest things :p: