The Vomit Ray...


New member
Apr 7, 2008

One day these will be on the end of keychains to stop attackers and rapists.

failing that the US Marines are working 'The Pain Ray'
Grr, Now it's no fun catching the bad guys

Stun guns.. Capsicum spray, Wide range of normal weapons.

They've got enough already
Interesting Slippy! Blast them so they fall down and puke, then give them a quick dose of heat and viola'! Flambaed baddies!
I remember reading something ages ago that the US army were developing a weapon along the lines of the "brown wave" or "brown ray" or something like that.

Apparently the theory was that there was a frequency that disrupted the musculature of the bowel so when aimed at the baddies (hee I like that word baddies) and fired they would find themselves with the uncontrollable urge to empty their colon...

Makes for a messy arrest...
Chimpy, I think you were refering to Discovery Channel's The MythBusters and the persuit of "The Brown Note". Which, of course, does not exist. LOL, though I like the name "Brown Ray"! Might make tracking baddies easier on the scent dogs....
I've never heard of Mythbusters, but yeah it was a story from years and years ago. Did they actually try to develop such a weapon or was it all story and make believe?


Looks like it might have been a South Park episode I was watching...
DM gas was alegedly used in Aden and causes diahorea and vomiting if you get exposed to it. Same result different delivery and french riot police had a subsonic vibration gun in the 1970s to use on rioters.
DM gas was indeed used widely in WWII! Rather nasty stuff. Figures the French that would have you shodding your knickers!
And you want to know how WWII Vets got trench foot? It wasn't mud they were stomping around in
exactly! There's also all the diseases that relate to human waste, and if it gets into an open wound, you really are literally up the proverbial creek with no paddle.
I heard off a Mok Gar KF guy about a strike to the lower abdomen with a downwards motion to a very specific area causes "certain" muscles to completely relax.

Therefore a "brown strike", he was unable to demonstrate this move which leaves me both sceptical...and thankful
They already have weapons that make you fill your pants. Like this one:
Only if you're the type that likes a missle in the tailpipe.

Silly monkey, flying kicks are for dismounting samurai.