Home made segway


Mar 22, 2008
So we all know what a segway is right? no? well here


Anyways, in the past me and some friends got bored at work and made stilts. they were crude at best, but whatever. Now were looking to go big time. we want to build a segway. the trick is it needs to be built of of products found in Home depot. were not sure what we need, or wheather or not we even have the mental capacity to help accomplish this task.

Help me out. If this is accomplished, i will provide pics and vids for lolz and may even sell it.
Step one, buy 50 feet of 2x4 at home depot
Step two, get splinters from the wood and die of infection because you're too fucking stupid to clean the wound if you think you can mimic the incredible amount of technology it takes to make a segway work.
A Segway runs on gyro-metric technology that keeps it standing up when it's on without support. You cant possibly design a Segway without spending thousands of dollars on similar parts used in an authentic one. That said, you may not be able to make a real Segway, but you can probably make a moped or something that isn't as ridiculously scientific to make.
Excuse me, I post in OSST regularly. I just cant sleep right now, so I decided to hop over here and see what's up.
ouch.. brings me back to the days of splinters every day :(

Stilts... a retarded chimpanzie could make.
A segway... is in no way simple enough to make homemade unless ur a godly engineer with a surplus of good suply
because building stilts went alright you think you could build a segway... mk lmk how that works out for you
You built stilts, aka pieces of wood that you can stand on, and now you think you can build a segway.

Brb, I gotta go build a rocket, I stayed at a holiday inn last night.
basically it went from building lame ass stilts to wanting to build somthing cool.
and as decent as the stilts were, i didnt really think this could get off the ground.